Employee assistance program (EAP)
As a caring employer, HKUST has been providing EAP to our staff members. Vital Employee Service Consultancy has been appointed as our EAP service provider to our staff and their immediate family members for enhancing emotional and social well-being to create better work performance and a balanced work life.

Counselling and Consultation Service 咨詢及輔導服務
The Counselling and Consultation Service of Vital aims to provide assistance to our staff and their immediate family members who may encounter stress or difficulties arising from work, family or interpersonal relationships. The services mainly include:-
A telephone hotline (5401 0877) manned by experienced counsellors.
由資深輔導員接聽的電話熱線 (5401 0877) -
Face-to-face counselling conducted by counsellors in Vital's office.
與資深輔導員於盈力的辦公室進行面談輔導 -
Where necessary, referral to the service of clinical psychologists can be arranged.
Service hours - Monday to Sunday: 24 hours servicing
服務時間 – 星期一至日﹕ 24小時全天候服務
When the lines are busy, calls will be directed to paging service and the counsellors will return call as soon as possible.